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Reden & Videos

Bild: Pressestelle des Senats
20.06.2019 | Rede

Senatsempfang für ehemals verfolgte jüdische Bürger

Today the Jewish Communities in Hamburg have about 2,400 members. With the visiting program for former citizens and their relatives we want to show: There is a vibrant Jewish community in this city again. The Jewish faith and culture have made their way back into our society. We are very thankful for this. Today, Hamburg is an international metropolis with citizens from over 180 countries. We have friendships with every part of the world and almost 100 consular representations in our city.

18.06.2019 | Rede

Empfang der Deutschen Botschaft in Paris

France and Germany build the core of the European partnership. Together and with a confident approach to the future, we can build more at Airbus and in Europe as a whole. I am looking forward to many interesting conversations tonight and wish us all a pleasant time at the German Embassy in Paris.

18.06.2019 | Rede

Empfang von Hamburg Aviation auf der Paris Air Show

Hamburg is the third biggest hub of the civil aviation industry worldwide. One in six aircrafts is delivered at Airbus Hamburg. One in five planes is serviced by Lufthansa Technik. Besides these large international corporations, there are more than 300 further companies with 40,000 plus employees in the aviation industries operating in Hamburg.

02.06.2019 | Rede

Rotary International Convention

The Rotary International Convention is a platform and a catalyst for ideas for civic engagement and progress. The program lists over 100 events, with more than just a few world-renowned speakers. The Rotary-Clubs of Hamburg and the Hamburg Convention Bureau have done an enormous amount of work to make it possible for all of us to come together here. On behalf of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg I would like to thank them very much for their great work.

20.05.2019 | Rede

Verleihung der Goldene Taube an die Hamburger Stiftung für politisch Verfolgte

Die Stiftung für politisch Verfolgte ermöglicht Journalisten, Künstlern und anderen Menschen, die in ihrer Heimat für Demokratie und Menschenrechte eintreten und dafür auf vielfältige Weise eingeschränkt oder bedroht werden, ein Jahr lang in Hamburg zu leben, zur Ruhe zu kommen und sich mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Europa zu vernetzen.

Weitere Reden des Ersten Bürgermeisters

Weitere Reden von Hamburgs Erstem Bürgermeister Dr. Peter Tschentscher finden Sie auf den Seiten der Stadt Hamburg.